This fantastically playful sculpture sits outside of the Corrales Bosque Gallery in New Mexico. I tried to find the artist on their website but was unable to. I adored the fun nature of this piece and the placement of the animals scattering out of the box, it's just an all around adorable sculpture.
Animal Crackers!
Public Transportation
The World Of Garden Art
World of garden art is just an extension of your home decor and can be organized in a way more fun than you can imagine. It is best that you can always choose your own garden art, your own taste and personality.The world of garden art can be examined using a number of interesting topics garden, using your favorite garden accessories. You can also opt for a garden that comes alive at a certain time of day eg evening gardens could be created using functions to mark with strategic lighting, scent and tinkling sound of water against the evening sky.
device to root out evil.
This is an upside down church sculpture, made of aluminum. It was done by Dennis Oppenheim and first placed in Vancouver in 1997. It now stands in Calgary and will remain there until 2013. This piece has inspired controversy since it was installed.
Artist Statement:
Turning something upside-down elicits a reversal of content and pointing a steeple into the ground directs it to hell as opposed to heaven.
Grow More, Waste Less Statement
Sorry for the delay on this. Because of this, you have through this evening comment. I will send the final version to Matt Bailey in the External Relations Office on Wednesday morning. I look forward to your feedback!
The twin mandates from our culture command us to consume “more, more, more” and do it “faster, faster, faster.” These ideas of waste and haste seem inextricably linked. In an effort to meditate on our own habits and lifestyle, the students of ART 201: Issues in Public Art have created a counter-mantra that encourages us to “Grow More” and “Waste Less.”
“Grow More”, spelled out in moss, suggests that our appetite for more might be better satisfied by the slower, more thoughtful act of creation, rather than consumption. “Waste Less”, spelled out in trash collected from our own homes, dorm rooms, and campus, highlights the impact of our current habits while calling us to a different approach.
By placing the piece in downtown Shreveport, we aim to engage the broader public in reflecting on their own consumption habits, prompting a shift away from the haste-waste paradigm toward a more sustainable approach.
Pig's in the street
Artist Al Greenall delivered 100 life size model pigs to the streets of Bath, England for six months in April 2008. This project was sponsored by local businesses and part of the King Bladud's Pigs in Bath project to raise money for charity and to commemorate the city's founding fathers who, according to legend, discovered its healing springs with his herd of pigs around 3,000 years ago.However officers at Bath and North Easts Somerset Council originally refused the art scheme because it would "trivialise" Bath's historic locations and harm its status as a World Heritage City. Despite some local objections permission was later granted on the grounds that they were not fixed structures and therefore did not require planning permission. I really love the idea of this piece because who wouldn't want to turn the corner and see a giant herd of life-size pigs!
Cadillac ranch...
Cadillac Ranch is a public art installation in Amarillo Texas. t was created in 1974 by Chip Lord, Hudson Marquez and Doug Michels who were part of a group called Art Farm. I really like Cadillac Ranch because I think it is really fun. Visitors are encouraged to leave their mark on the sight, something I also like.