Issues is Public Art
Mary Frances Querbes
October 15, 2011
Two paper mache mannequins standing hand in hand, plastered in gloves, would make an excellent installation symbolizing a common bond between all individuals working towards social equality and better living conditions between all citizens. These gloves, differing in style, color, and size, would signify the differences in all human beings, however the likeness is shared, as well. Individuals of all different cultural backgrounds, economic statuses and ages could look to these mannequins as a reminder that, differences aside, we can all relate as human beings working to make the world around us a more accepting and peaceful environment. As for the placement of the installation, having the mannequins in front of the Community Renewal Center might be nice, and in doing so the organization could help promote the cause. The mannequins, a very simple design, would be metal frames of the human body, covered first in paper mache and then in the various gloves. Extremely cost effective and simply constructed, the streamline art work would clearly depict both the cause and the point. Using recycled newspaper and donated flour, the materials would be around twenty dollars, and the metal used to construct the frames would be no more than fifty dollars. In an effort to spread awareness and implement community involvement, gloves could be collected in schools and public drop off stations. In addition to this, gloves could continue to be dropped off for smaller, similar projects. The Community Renewal could have children in school involved, making smaller mannequins with cut out construction paper hands, etc. I think this first large scale mannequin project would provide positive reinforcement among community members across the board, as well as promote Shreveport Community renewal, and making our world as a whole a better and more inviting place to live.
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