Marta Thoma
This piece recycles bottles and shapes them into a tear shape. These tears are supposed to be Earth's as she cries about her pollution and other environmental problems.
This is not aesthetically similar to project , but in the sense that it uses recyclable trash material with an environmental message, it is. To me, this is not very interesting in looks and I don't really like it, but I do like the message its sending. It was the only thing remotely similar to my idea that I could find.
When I looked at this, I was kind of hoping that it would interact a little bit with the environment. Like if a gust of wind happened to have come along, the sculpture would move a bit along with it. Sort of like a weather vane would except with multiple layers to actually give it the amorphous figure that water has.
I agree with you I think its takes pollution and recycling to a much more higher level than ones pure view. I like it and think it is also an important aspect of earth.
I'm not a fan of the piece itself, it seems sort of lackluster, and it looks like it's in the middle of nowhere. But I love the concept.
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