My proposal involves erecting a plastic tree. I'm still not sure about the height because I don't know what we are physically capable of doing, so that's still up for debate. The only thing I would say is that I want it to at least be a few feet taller than the average person. I know everyone liked the idea of turning it into a Christmas tree, but I'm really opposed to the idea, because I don't want peoples' reactions to be swayed to any sort of religious theme. But if it's really what the class wants, I can put my reservations aside. And if it is decided that we go with a Christmas tree, I would like to incorporate lights inside the bottles. This however would raise the cost of materials.
I said I wanted the tree to be located in a park or near lots of trees. But I remember someone saying that if it were downtown it would bring more attention to the lack of trees. Going on this idea, the message I intended to convey has grown past the cookie cutter "we need to recycle more" message. Instead I feel that this plastic tree would bring awareness to our impact on nature, specifically deforestation and the likes. We cut down these trees and replace them with these farm grown saplings, if even that. And sometimes people even go as far to have plastic plants in their home, as if having a living piece of nature in our homes is unthinkable. I suppose it boils down to our lack of appreciation towards nature by cutting down trees that have probably been around longer than us and replacing them with these artificial, manicured and perfect replications.

I really like the tree idea. I think it is a great way of showing the importance of recycling and a fun project for us to create.
This is a great way of making something that many considered throwing into the trash into a beautiful tree. It really sends a great environmental message.
I really like this idea. It's something that everyone is connected too- I mean, I use plastic water bottles every day, and never think about how much I'm really wasting. i think this would get alot of attention.
Im really digging this idea, its a great way to inspire and persuade the community into recycling not only jus plastic bottles, but any thing in general that can be recycled. great post!
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