Guardians of Time-Venice

The Guardians of Time were created by Manfred Kielnhofer, and they are located in St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy.  However, there are many Guardians of Time all over Europe.

The Guardians of Time are an exquisitely consecrated structures of modern public art. The Guardians of Time are placed here to exercise caution to humanity, alluding to the ramifications of our actions. They are "Time Travelers" that find out the good-bad status of our actions, and restore cosmic balance.


emily said...

I think this timeless structure conveys a sense of security in some, but in others perhaps a sense of uneasiness.

Anonymous said...

Is it weird that I thought of the Vatican Cardinals when I saw this? I wonder if that was the artist's intention. It would make sense because of the location, I'd like to see where the others are.