Less cryptic then my previous posts, sandcastles lack any real argument against be refered to as public art. So instead I'll let you in on some interesting facts.

Did you know that there are 'sculpture competitions" that, using sand as the media, can make over $300,000 per commision?
Many particpants are trained professional artists, originally comfortable with media's like bronze and ceramics. I never knew there was so muct into the making of these sandcastles.

The final effect a sandcastle can have on the public is the sense of communitiy acheived when several people come together on the beach to compete in making the best castle.
What do you think, are sandcastles public art/landscape art? It uses sand (part of the earth) as the media. Is it still 'public art' if it's used as a competition? YOU DECIDE!
I thought about using sand sculpture for my post until I found the ice men. I think it's definitely public art and the fact that many sculptures like to enter competitions makes it even more so. The competition aspect invites people to watch the process which is a privilege that the public should have more often. The contest is no different than an artist getting commissioned for an installation so I'm all for sandcastles as public art.
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