"Perhaps even more then any other artist, the ballerina possesses inexplicable mysique..."

Dance As (PUBLIC?) Art
Browsing on the NEA website, (and believe me, it took forever) I finally found something I could properly appreciate. This is a photograph of a dancer reharsing for a scene in "Swan Lake".
No weither you have seen swan lake holds little revelancy, cause I'm guessing, you've heard of it before, right?
Having no expirence of dance I'm not the best to argue wiether or not dance could be considered art. Some people would say so, others would not.
I defend a scene from swan lake holding the tilte as "public" through an disscussion we had in class. If it (this being 'Swan Lake") is so ingrained into public life, via conversatin, reference, pictures, media, then does it belong to the public, despite having to pay for it?

This picture is for funsies, it's an early picture of a preformance of Swan Lake.
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