Smithson's Spiral Jetty

Spiral Jetty
Robert Smithson
Great Salt Lake near Rozel Point, Utah
(Right picture is the Jetty slightly submerged)

I didn't see any earthworks on here, so I decided to post this form of public art. The main and most obvious reason that this is public art is that if one wanted to go see it, they could easily do so . From what I have seen and read, you are allowed to walk on it as well. Although, one major problem with visiting the Jetty is that it was created during a drought and much of the time it is covered with water. For the most part, Smithson was inspired by naturally occurring land forms, so the idea and thoughts behind it are quite accessible and understandable to all folks.


ALEX said...

That's actually pretty incridible. I never even considered using the land as a medium to create art. I'm rather interested simply by just how the artist managed to to that.