Branching Out by Naoko Ito

Branching Out by Naoko Ito is something neat and a bit different that I came across. I thought it related to our project in the sense that the artists isn't using traditional art materials (paint, paper, canvas, etc.) Plus, it includes something from nature. The work has an environmental theme trying to convey ideas about "preserving nature and life" while also containing it, as we often do.

Also, this reminds me of the "Manifestations of Nature" piece in Bethany Krull's Meadows Museum exhibition.


Anonymous said...

I thought of Bethany's work as well, and I believe the message is nearly the same. But I remember her saying that everything in those jars were already dead that she didn't disrupt the living nature. I wonder if this artist picked that branch from a tree or from the ground.

taylormhairston said...

Good point. I would hope it had already fallen since,like you are thinking, it would go against his message.

ALEX said...

OH my god the creativitiy!!! This reminds me of when some one takes photographs of the same thing, but it segments. Then they put the pieces together to form the original image. (EX: Take a picture of the forehead, nose, mouth, shoulders, ect= a person)