The Monkey That Couldn't Flip.

A group of students in Sao Paulo, Brazil, recently constructed a giant monkey out of thousands of flip-flops! Designed for the Pixelshow 2010 this fun sculpture currently lies innocently in a local park ready to amuse and entertain passersby on their daily strolls. And if you’re concerned about the final destination of all this colorful footwear, don’t worry – it’s almost summertime in São Paolo, and plenty of people are ready to trade in their boots for something more breathable.


taylormhairston said...

This got a group of teachers and students to create something you could call community art that would also benefit a public space and the individuals of it (eventually giving them shoes), so I would say its definitely public art.

emily said...

I like it, its definately intersting, but that may be just cause i like monkeys.